From 30 January to 4 February 2024, JAGD & HUND will once again be the venue for hunters, nature lovers and dog enthusiasts, with a host of new products waiting to be launched at the show. In addition to a unique variety of products and varied entertainment, Europe's largest hunting show will be offering new in-show events, an attractive special exhibition feature for shopping and entertainment as well as concentrated expertise in the form of various specialist talks, panels and discussion groups on hunting-related topics.
Dortmund, 13 December 2023 – With new event highlights, special exhibition features and show-in-show events, JAGD & HUND is once again set to inspire the international hunting community between 30 January and 4 February 2024. These include the Small Game Calling Contest and the KIDZ FIEP World Championship, a competition for young hunters. There will also be a special Knife Zone with famous-name hunting knife manufacturers and an accompanying programme as well as an award ceremony for the best hunting knife on show. Also new to the line-up will be the unique Jagdwelt (Hunting World) shopping zone for live shopping with all the senses at attractive trade show prices. This year, the focus will be on the specialist stage programme with many high-interest topics from the real-life world of hunting. Various informative talks, panels and seminars with industry experts and policy-makers on current developments, legal fundamentals and the diversity of the hunting industry will be held throughout the show, with recognised experts sharing their knowledge, offering interesting insights and stimulating discussion.
Industry insiders and experts providing information via a wide-ranging talks (Hall 4)
Starting in 2024, the stage in Hall 4 will not just be the venue for proven programme highlights, it will also be a meeting place for a large number of captivating expert presentations. These will include FACE, the organisation representing the interests of European hunters in Brussels (Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU), and Nicole Heitzig, President of the State Hunting Association of North Rhine Westphalia (LJV), as well as policy-makers and influencers.
Information, dialogue and a common platform are of great importance for all passionate hunters, especially now with the many developments and innovations currently affecting the European hunting scene. Together with the German Hunting Association (DJV), for example, FACE is organising a panel discussion on Wolf Management. Guests will be FACE President Torbjörn Larsson and DJV President Helmut Dammann-Tamke. Another highlight is likely to be Huntsmanship 2.0 – Hunting in social media with Nicole Heitzig, President of the State Hunting Association of North Rhine Westphalia, and Dreispross, the well-known video film production by hunter Andreas Barth. The recognised hunting duo Teppe & Schwenen will also address current issues and backgrounds relating to hunting with experts and policy makers covering topics such as 'From wokeness to huntsmanship' with Karlheinz Busen, member of the German federal parliament and hunting and forestry policy spokesman for the liberal party, FDP.
For the first time, the Working Gundog Association (JGHV) will be offering an interesting programme of talks in addition to its popular exhibitions and demonstrations. 'The Search for ASF Cadavers' with Anja Blank, a member of the JGHV Executive Committee and Chief Executive of the State Hunting Association of Mecklenburg & Western Pomerania, will be one of the speakers promising gripping insights. Lisa Meyer, Head of Training, will offer information on 'Early Development of Hunting Dogs – recommended by the JGHV. JGHV Animal Welfare Officer Prof Dr Franz-Josef Kaup will also give an explanatory talk entitled 'Infectious Diseases in Game'.
A short seminar on 'The JGHV Examination System' by examination system chairman Josef Westermann, is also planned as part of JAGD & HUND (4 February in the Bergen Room, North Entrance complex). The seminar is aimed at first-time handlers and those wishing to be one, as well as any interested individuals. Registrations can now be made by emailing
Major anniversary: 130 years of WILD UND HUND (Hall 4)
Hunting magazine 'WILD UND HUND' will be celebrating its 130th anniversary in Dortmund, and visitors will be able to experience a film review of the magazine's history and get to know editors, specialist authors and experts. They will also be providing expert insights into a wide range of hunting-related matters and look forward to a subsequent meet & greet with the hunting community. Live on stage: lure hunting expert Klaus Demmel, habitat expert Werner Kuhn, dog trainer Anke Hessling, district hunting master Sascha Schmitt, wildlife biologist Burkhard Stöcker, shooting trainers Andreas Bach and Christian Schulte, and many others. The winners of the 'Hunting Book of the Year' readers' competition and the winners of this year's WILD UND HUND wedge pin shooting certificate will also be honoured on stage.
Début: Action programme of the NRW Young Hunters (Hall 6)
The NRW Young Hunters will also be launching their own stage programme. In addition to various presentations by young hunters for the next generation, there will be a trade show competition with prizes totalling over EUR 6,000. There will also be a daily quiz with other attractive prizes. The Young Hunters will also welcome the German Hunting Association's Women Hunters' Forum to their stand (in the State Hunting Association area). This will offer young female hunters in particular an attractive opportunity to network and share experiences face-to-face.
New award and a variety of hunting knives in the new Knife Zone (Hall 7)
Collectors, users, aficionados and fans of this key hunting aid will find exhibits ranging from traditional to modern at the new special exhibition on hunting knives. The new Knife Zone is being supported by the German Blade Museum in Solingen which is known for its exhibitions on sharp-edged weapons and their use through the ages. Accompanying the exhibition, the programme will include panel discussions on legal issues, knife care and the 'perfect knife steel'. In addition, those interested in high-quality blades will also have opportunities to meet hunting knife suppliers and experts.
An award ceremony will also be presented for the first time at the new event area for hunting knives, recognising exhibits submitted by exhibitors by an expert panel of judges. Exhibitors can register by sending an e-mail to stating the name of the person or company making the submission, the products and a description of the product, the idea behind the knife and a short description for the showcases (max. 300 characters) plus a photo of the hunting knife. The award ceremony will take place on 3 February 2024 at 15:30 hrs on stage in Hall 7. An audience award will also be presented, with the knives on display assessed by exhibition-goers at the venue.
New shopping ground covering over 3,000 sqm in 'Hunting World' (Hall 8)
In conjunction with hunting outfitter Jagdwelt24, JAGD & HUND will present visitors to Europe's largest hunting show with an extensive modern line-up of products and an exceptional shopping experience. The new Hunting World will have technical products and innovations which can be inspected at will, and also tried out using all five senses. For example, there will be a test course for shoes featuring a variety of floor coverings as well as various targets for testing optics. Open-air kitchens will provide exceptional culinary experiences, with masters of their trade conjuring up delicacies to sample, fortify and savour in small, convivial groups. The product range will include weapons, thermal imaging cameras, riflescopes, roof tents, equipment for dogs and dog handlers, gear, silencers, game cameras, clothing and footwear. What makes this so special are the state-of-the-art shopping facilities combining shopping opportunities with competent advice as well as unbeatable trade show specials, a home shopping service and the ultimate in after-sales service. Among the well-known brands in the new area will be Anschütz, HIKMICRO, Schmidt & Bender, Wild Land Drivers, Farm-Land, ICU, Roedale, Härkila, Deerhunter and Arxus plus other top exhibitors!
New contests for old hands and up-and-coming talent
Two new championships will also be making their début at JAGD & HUND. As the German Deer Calling Championship proves year after year, the wide variety of different calls demands a great deal of skill. In order to raise awareness of the challenging game decoy hunt, hunting store 'OVIS', hunting magazine 'Our Hunt – On Home Turf' and JAGD & HUND will be organising a game decoy competition for the first time in the disciplines of greylag goose, crow and fox. At the Small Game Calling Contest, a panel of judges will assess the participants' calls and award valuable prizes to three winners. All participants will receive free admission to JAGD & HUND. Applications may now be submitted via
The KIDZ FIEP World Championship will give children and young people aged between 6 and 16 the opportunity to show how they can attract roebucks using only their mouths and without any aids. Application videos may be submitted until 28 January 2024 via Instagram at @hunterbrothersofficial. The Top 10 will receive JAGD & HUND tickets for themselves and their families and can then demonstrate their whistling skills live at the show. The best contestants will receive a wildlife camera or an hour of trade show shopping worth EUR 300 directly after the event. All participants will also receive a merchandise set from Hunt on Demand.
>>> Full overview of the programme at JAGD & HUND
Partnership-based support
JAGD & HUND is supported in terms of content and expertise by our conceptual partners, the State Hunting Association of North Rhine Westphalia (LJV), the largest hunting association in Germany – which promotes hunting in all its facets as well as nature and animal protection – and the Working Gundog Association (JGHV), the umbrella organisation for the entire German hunting dog industry – the expert point of contact for all aspects of testing, breeding and training. International support comes from FACE – Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU, the international organisation representing the values and needs of Europe's national hunting associations. The International Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation (CIC), which advises on conservation of wild animals on the basis of sustainable hunting, will once again be on hand at the show to provide specialist expertise. Another partner to JAGD & HUND is ADIHEX – International Hunting & Equestrian Exhibition, the largest exhibition in the Middle East and Africa for hunting, equestrian sports and the preservation of cultural heritage.
Tickets to JAGD & HUND – Europe's largest hunting show
Whether as a Christmas gift for yourself or for loved ones, day passes costing from EUR 20 (adults) give you the entire show package including the specialist content programme, interesting demonstrations and shows, the opportunity to meet well-known stars of the hunting industry as well as a wide variety of exhibitors and product highlights and trends. (The exclusive workshops with well-known TV and Michelin-starred chefs are among the special highlights of the WILD FOOD FESTIVAL and are available to be booked exclusively).
JAGD & HUND | eine Messe der
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44139 Dortmund
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