JAGD & HUND: coming soon with lots to see, hear, learn and experience

Supporting programme is now complete and whetting appetites

JAGD & HUND 2025, Europe's largest hunting show, is getting ready to roll. From 28 January to 2 February, Dortmund's exhibition halls will once again be attracting a wide and varied range of exhibitors. This year's show will also have a packed supporting programme complementing the exhibitors and a host of hands-on activities.

Dortmund, 13 January 2025 – So let's start with some good advice: if you want to experience everything, we recommend treating yourself to a multi-day visit to JAGD & HUND - several ticket options are available in the online store. You'll be glad you did. Whether it’s an animal demonstration, an informative talk, live cooking, a butchery demonstration, an exciting championship or a master-class with a hunting expert, the show's got everything that hunters, outdoor folk and nature lovers could wish for. Here are just a few examples:

World of dogs: Event Area, Hall 3

The event area in Hall 3 is given over to the Working Gundog Association (JGHV). Starting each day at 11:30 hrs and lasting well into the afternoons, show-goers can immerse themselves in the exciting world of gundog breeds for ten minutes at a time and discover their special features – from German wire-haired pointers and flat-coated dachshunds to large munsterlanders. The programme kicks off every day at 11:00 hrs with a musical performance by a brass band. Click here for all programme details.

Competitions and information: Main Stage, Hall 4

The on-stage programme gets underway on Day 1 of the show (28 January) starting with the official opening of JAGD & HUND at 10:00 hrs. Speakers will include Sabine Loos, Managing Director of Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe, Dr Martin Berges, Permanent Secretary in the North Rhine Westphalia State Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Norbert Schilff, Mayor of Dortmund, Karl Walch, President of the Working Gundog Association, Nicole Heitzig, President of the State Hunting Association of North Rhine Westphalia, Dr Steffen Koch, Head of the German delegation of the CIC (International Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation), and Laurens Hoedemaker, President of FACE (Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU).

Friday (31 January), on the other hand, will be dominated by the championships in Hall 4, with the stag callers competing in the legendary German Championship at 12:00 noon, closely followed by the game callers in the second edition of the Calling Contest at 14:00 hrs. Click here for the full programme.

Processing game: butchery showcase in Hall 5
Auf der Bühne der KNIFE ZONE dreht sich alles rund um die richtige Klinge für Ihr Jagd- oder Outdoor-Erlebnis. Jeden Tag um 11 Uhr starten Carsten Zulauf und Jörg Urbainczyk mit verschiedenen Gästen und dem Thema „Faszination Messer” in den Tag. Ein Highlight am Mittwoch (29.1.)  um 15 Uhr  wird die Live-Aufzeichnung des JAGD & HUND Podcasts von Carsten Zulauf und Dr. Victoria Schneider sein. Am Donnerstag (30.1.) um 15 Uhr geht es zudem um das richtige Messer für die Wildkammer (Carsten Zulauf, Jörg Urbainczyk und Christian Bieber von der Firma Dick) und am Sonntag (2.2.) um 15 Uhr sind die beiden Hosts zusammen mit Philipp Schlute von Teckel Messer auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Jagdmesser. Am Samstag (1.2.) findet um 15.30 Uhr die Vergabe des Messer-Awards statt, für den sich die Aussteller der KNIFE ZONE im Vorfeld bewerben konnten. Sehen Sie hier das komplette Programm.

Processing game: Transparent moulding chamber Hall 5
Visitors to the stand of Dick and co-exhibitors will be able to see up-close how game is processed and what needs to be considered beforehand, with seven presentations/demonstrations each day (six on Sunday) from 10:30 hrs onwards in the 'Gläserne Zerwirkkammer' butchery showcase. For example, at 11:30 hrs Gerd Brinker will be demonstrating 'Professional butchering, de-boning and cutting of game', with the focus moving to 'Cleaning, hygiene and cleanliness' at 13:00 and 16:45 hrs (Martin Ernst from Ernst Chemie) and to 'Professional butchering and sausage making' at 15:15 hrs (Gerd Brinker, Christian Bieber from Dick and, from Friday, Isabelle Bulling from Wildfee). Click here for the full programme.

All game for cooking at the WILD FOOD FESTIVAL in the Westfalenhalle

The WILD FOOD FESTIVAL has been part of JAGD & HUND since 2019 and serves up culinary exhibitors together with a stage and workshop programme featuring celebrity cooks, TV and Michelin-starred chefs. The chefs will be cooking live each day from 10:30 hrs on the dedicated WILD FOOD FESTIVAL stage in the legendary Westfalenhalle. Popular couple Magdalene and Wolfgang Grabitz will be cooking each day at 11:00 and 15:00 hrs. The two have been part of the WFF from the very beginning. On Wednesday (29 January) at 12:30 hrs it'll be the turn of Daniel Dal-Ben, with the baton transferring to Lukas Jacobi at the same time on Thursday (30 January) and, on Friday (31 January), to Johann Lafer. Also recommended is Christian Frohbieter who runs the wildfood_selfmade Instagram channel and will be demonstrating his cooking skills on Wednesday at 14:00 hrs. Many show-goers are likely to recognise him, as he adorns the posters for this year's JAGD & HUND. Click here for the whole WFF-programme.

Important note: The majority of the programme at JAGD & HUND will be conducted in German, however all exhibitors' stands will have English speakers on hand to answer your questions.

Regular updates on JAGD & HUND can be found on the show's Instagram and Facebook channels, and also on the website and via the newsletter.

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