JAGD & HUND 2025: Register now for the photo competition

Deadline for submission of photos ends on New Year’s Eve – four categories

Together with FACE (Federation of Associations for Hunting and Conservation of the EU) the organisers of JAGD & HUND, Europes leading hunting exhibition, this year have launched the first Europe-wide photo contest for hunting motives: ‘Europe’s Hunting Photo of the Year 2024’. Since the beginning of November participants are able to send in their best shots and compete in four categories. Submission ends on 31 December, so interested persons should hurry up.

Dortmund, 23 December 2024 – Whether it‘s impressive shots of big game or small game hunting, emotional portraits or exciting insights into game preparation - a top-class jury is looking for the best photos that capture unforgettable hunting moments. Participants across Europe can submit their photos in four categories: Big Game Hunting, Small Game Hunting, Portrait and Game Preparation/Food.

The best works will not only be exhibited at JAGD & HUND 2025, but will also be honoured. The award ceremony will take place on the first day of the trade fair (28 January 2025) at 14:00 hrs on the Main Stage in Hall 4.

More information on the conditions of participation can be found on
the show‘s website.

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