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"Becoming an exhibitor" made easy.
Stand price calculator
With our stand price calculation you can easily and conveniently calculate the prices for your desired stand size. Simply enter the desired width and depth and select from the available stand types and stand packages. Below you will also find an overview of our stand packages.
Area: | m² | |
Participation fee (incl. Stand package if chosen): | € | |
AUMA-Fee (0.60€/m²): | € | |
Marketing package: | 350.00 | € |
Full price (excluding VAT): | € |
Exhibitor voices
The JAGD & HUND is Europe's biggest hunting exhibition.
At JAGD & HUND you will meet a broad, international audience. Around 11.5 percent of the visitors came from abroad in 2025, including from neighboring countries but also from far away, e.g. from the US, South Africa and New Zealand.
From interested visitors to beginners and advanced to professionals - our visitors cover a diverse market. Among them are not only hunters, but also many dog and nature lovers.
The entire range of products at JAGD & HUND was rated "good" by visitors. Among the thematic presentations and special shows, the bird of prey demonstrations and the presentations of the hunting dog breeds performed best. But the off-road vehicle course also landed in the top places again in 2025.
Over 70% of the visitors bought or ordered something at JAGD & HUND 2025.
In eight halls with different subject areas you have the best opportunities to present yourself in a targeted manner.
The JAGD & HUND is at the right time: The fair takes place outside the height of the hunting season.
Clearly structured trade fair concept: every visitor can easily and quickly find their way around according to their interests.
Stand type Participation price EUR/m2
Row stand (1 side open): 173,-
Corner stand (2 sides open): 178,-
Head stand (3 sides open): 186,-
Block stand (4 sides open): 191,-
Co-exhibitor fee: 180,- (per co-exhibitor)
The prices do not include the AUMA contribution of EUR 0.60 per m² of stand area and the applicable VAT.
For main and co-exhibitors as well as additionally represented companies, the price for the obligatory Exhibitor Marketing Package is EUR 350.00 plus VAT. This will be charged with the invoice for the participation fee.
The package includes entries (company name, address and / or contact details) in the directories offered for each trade fair. The entries shall appear in the directory formats offered by the organizer, alternatively or cumulatively in the online exhibitor directory, on the monitors of the visitor information system and, if available, in the trade fair app and in the print directory.
In addition to the standard entry, it is possible, depending on the offer of the respective trade fair, to enquire of the organizer about and additionally book supplements for a fee.
Co-exhibitors or additionally represented companies and their exhibits must be registered by the main exhibitor. The fee for the Exhibitor Media Package shall be invoiced to the main exhibitor for each co-exhibitor or additionally represented company. If no naming of the additionally represented companies in the directory is desired, this must be expressly noted on the registration form.
The closing date for entries in the directory is 20.12.2024. If this deadline is not met, existing details from the application may be taken over. Exhibitors who do not register until after the closing date have no entitlement to be listed in a particular directory.
Claims for damages for incorrect, incomplete or non-existent entries in the above-mentioned directories are excluded. The main exhibitor is responsible for the content of the entries in the directories and any resulting damage.
Our trade fair team will be pleased to advise you.
All prices are exclusive of VAT at the statutory rate.
In our Online Service Center (OSC) you will find order forms for technical and advertising services, the technical guidelines as well as the contact details of our suppliers. Rely on our expertise on site - with comprehensive services from catering to stand construction. We will be happy to advise you on trade fair preparation and implementation.
>> To the Online Service Center
You will receive the login data promptly by email. This will enable you to order our services online.
You have not yet received your login data or have questions about the individual services or the OSC?
Please contact our Exhibitor Service Team:
Tel.: +49(0)231/1204-1327 or -1328
E-mail: service[at]messe-dortmund[dot]de
Start of build-up: 23 January 2026, from 7:00
Time of build-up: 7:00 to 18:00 daily
Important: The stand material must be stored daily on the area of the actual exhibition stand, empty packaging must be removed immediately and the aisles must be kept clear of empty and full packaging.
End of build-up: 26 January 2026, 18:00
(at 16:00 all vehicles must be removed from hall)
Delivery of goods during the course of the trade fair:
1st day: 7:45 to 9:45, 18:00 to 19:00
Following days: 8.45 to 9:45, 18:00 to 19:00
Beginning of dismantling: 01 February 2026, as of 18:00
Vehicle access to halls, 01 February 2026, 19:00
Driving inside the halls with vehicles will be allowed, provided the logistical situation permits this. In the event of large-size events, for example in the remaining area of the Westfalenhallen or in the adjacent Signal-Iduna-Park, the possibility of
accessing the halls with vehicles may be delayed.
End of dismantling: 03. February 2026, 18:00
Unfortunately, it happens time and again that exhibitors receive misleading entry offers in order to be included in so-called trade fair and exhibitor directories. Well-known companies and online directories are, Expo Guide, International Fairs Directory,, and Construct Data Publisher. Messe Dortmund GmbH expressly states that it has no connection whatsoever with "Expo Guide", "", "FAIR GUIDE", "International Fairs Directory", "" and "".
We expressly distance ourselves from the business practices of these companies. In most cases, these are unauthorised publishers who finance themselves through paid listings in various directories. However, they often give the impression that the offer is free of charge. Only in the small print of the terms and conditions is the amount and duration of the payment obligation revealed - which often turns into a nasty surprise.
Entries in the official media of our events can be made via our Online Service Centre (OSC). The access data for the OSC will be sent to you together with the stand confirmation by our trade fair teams on Messe Dortmund GmbH letterhead or by e-mail with the appropriate signature.
You can obtain more detailed information on the Internet at the AUMA website, Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., or from Ms Silvia Bauermeister Telephone: 030/24000-103, e-mail: s.bauermeister[at]auma[dot]de.
Please note that the visa offices of the German embassies and consulates worldwide were informed of the following with the decree of the Federal Foreign Office of 24.07.2013: When requesting accompanying documents for the application for a trade fair visa for visitors and/or exhibitors, the letter of invitation from the trade fair company can generally be waived.
Should you nevertheless require a letter of invitation independently of this decree, you can conveniently create one yourself. Please fill out the form with your personal data. Please pay particular attention to the correct spelling of your details, as they will be transferred unchanged. You will then receive an e-mail with your personal invitation letter for printing.
Use the official JAGD & HUND logo. The .zip file contains the logo as EPS, JPG and PNG.
For your marketing activities, we provide you with two banner formats for integration on your website, your social media channels or in your e-mail signature.
Would you like to share the information on the social media channels that you are part of JAGD & HUND this year? Then use our social media kit for this.
With the flyer for JAGD & HUND you can draw the attention of your customers to your participation in the trade fair.
Here you will find current advertising material for advertising JAGD & HUND as a free download.
Feel free to use the new "JAGD & HUND" giphys on Instagram!
Just search for "jagdundhund" in the stickers section.
Here you can personalize graphics for social media, banners, etc. with your booth number.
We are glad to answer any questions you may have about JAGD & HUND:
Phone: +49 (0)231 1204-521
E-mail: jagdundhund[at]messe-dortmund[dot]de
DH Marketing, Communication, Consulting
Contact person: Dirk Heuveldop
Phone: +49 (0) 163 7977 824
Fax: +49 (0) 231 1204 678
JAGD & HUND | an exhibition of
Messe Dortmund GmbH
Strobelallee 45
44139 Dortmund
PHONE 49 (0) 231/1204-521
FAX 49 (0) 231/1204-678